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Management systems and certification

The scope of our certifications covers the development, production and assembly of linear systems, MiniTec profile systems and complete solutions made with them.

We conduct quality, environmental protection, health and safety and energy audits at regular intervals. Extensive information on our management system, our current energy values and our environmental policy efforts are available in our Environmental report.

Environmental report   (5 MB)

Organisation and
IT security


In the modern economy, the greatest possible profitability, responsiveness and customer focus are only possible with the latest IT.

With our specially programmed ERP software combined with the Product Information System (PIM), we are able to produce catalogues, which are tailored to the individual needs of the customer.

The flood of redundant data and information is therefore reduced effectively. Data security is ensured by close cooperation with specialised companies.




Our company has maintained a certified quality management system that is process-orientated and customer-focussed since 1996. Customer satisfaction and the delivery of fault-free products are our highest objectives. Good professional advice and a comprehensive service in all areas of stock and production through to design and sales are also important to us. Motivated and well-trained employees as well as working with our suppliers in partnership are important key factors for us.

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DIN EN ISO 9001 - Qualität

Environmental protection


Careful use of resources and active environmental protection are principles of our corporate philosophy and part of our Corporate Principles and Code of Conduct. Sustainability is also a management task and is considered transparently in all business activities along the value chain at MiniTec. Within the scope of our implemented management systems according to ISO 14001 for environmental protection and DIN EN 16247-1 for energy management, sustainability becomes a central topic in product development but also within manufacturing and purchasing of products. We have addressed the issues that are essential for us and can be influenced in the management evaluation and are continuously improving them. 

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DIN EN ISO 14001 - Umweltschutz

Health and safety


Occupational safety and health protection are of particular importance at MiniTec and are therefore elements of the culture of equal rank with the environment, quality and economic efficiency. Safety and legally compliant actions are essential parts of our corporate guidelines. Our SGA management system follows the requirements of DIN ISO 45001 and covers the locations Schönenberg-Kübelberg and Waldmohr. For further information please contact us.

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DIN EN ISO 45001 - Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz



In 2016, as an SME, we voluntarily faced the scrutiny of an energy audit to EN 16247-1 and subjected all our locations in Germany to an energy audit to determine potential energy savings. As our internal infrastructure is state-of-the-art, very little potential savings were found. Nonetheless, these are also optimised and monitored continuously. Due to our in-house electricity production with environmentally friendly photovoltaic systems, we are able to show an excellent CO2 balance. Detailed data are published in the environmental report. In 2020, the certificate was renewed and is valid until 2024.

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Customs simplifications


MiniTec has received a so-called AEO authorization from customs. AEO stands for "Authorized Economic Operator." The AEO status certifies MiniTec with regard to its reliability and security in international trade. Receiving the certificate accelerates customs clearance on both the import and export side, due to reduced controls and preferential customs treatment. In addition, access to further customs simplifications is facilitated.

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[Translate to English:] AEO-Zertifikat