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Conveyor systems

Conveyor systems

The right conveyor technology for every application

Bringing workpieces to the right place, in the right position and at the right time so that they can be machined, assembled or equipped; we solve this task with our conveyor systems.  

We offer a wide range of conveyor systems, with which we meet practically all requirements for factory automation, material flow, material handling and intralogistics.

Do you have any questions or would you like to learn more about our conveyor systems? Then please feel free to contact us!


Conveyor belts
Conveyor belts 

Simple and cost-effective transport solution for lightweight workpieces. Use as belt or angled conveyor.

Roller conveyor systems
Roller conveyor systems 

Diverse potential uses and combinable with other conveyor systems. Suitable for longer distances and higher loads.

Pallet circulation systems
Pallet transport systems 

For the combination of defined workplaces on the conveyor section. All kinds of different section lengths, space requirements and weights.

Segmented chain conveyors
Segmented chain conveyors 

For setting up production lines with multiple stations. Optimally designed for curved section layouts.

Spiral conveyors
Spiral conveyors 

Developed to overcome height differences and to implement conveyor sections on multiple levels. Optimum for small space requirement.