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UMS pallet circulation system

Conveying in the smallest space

The UMS pallet circulation system is a very cost-effective solution with minimum space requirement for linking machine tools, workstations, handling equipment or robot feeders.

It is a double lane roller chain conveyor which returns empty pallets below the conveying level: At the end of the conveyor section, the unloaded pallets are deflected vertically by a positive form-closed gripper and are returned in a hanging position. The pallets cannot only be accumulated on the conveyor level, but also on return of the unloaded workpiece carriers. The system can even be used as an overhead conveyor, with which the pallets are returned at the top.

A characteristic feature of the UMS series is the continuously circulating chain, which serves as a carrier as well as to drive the system. The control required is limited to a minimum, as there is no need for time-consuming programming for deflecting or infeeds or discharges. The UMS system is suitable for workpiece carriers from 400 to 600 millimetres wide and 100 to 300 millimetres long. The total length of a system is 20 meters with a maximum load per pallet of 100 kilograms. The allowable maximum load of the whole system at a conveying speed of six metres per minute is 1,200 kilograms; at a conveying speed of twelve metres per minute it is 800 kilograms.

UMS Light – the lightweight version


Modular principle

The UMS pallet circulation system is based on the high-quality standard components of the MiniTec modular system. The circulation system is therefore compatible with all components of our modular system. Additions such as test stations, assembly and unloading stations can be seamlessly integrated. We and our experienced will be pleased to help your to plan and implement your conveyor systems, as well as their adaptation to your special tasks.

Application examples

UMS Light

UMSL pallet circulation system, lightweight version

The UMSL, a light version of the pallet circulation system, is a very cost-effective solution with minimum space requirement for linking machine tools, workstations, handling equipment or robot feeders.

Flexible: Very compact solution; with a track width of 165 mm, the UMSL conveyor offers maximum flexibility in the smallest space. It is possible to accumulate the pallets on both the upper and the lower level. The UMSL can even be used as an overhead conveyor. Economical: The UMSL offers attractive value for money.

  • Only one motor - energy consumption is reduced significantly.
  • Minimum wear with little maintenance work!
  • Easy to control - the control effort is very low and does not need any time-consuming programming.
  • The UMSL unites a sophisticated machine combination of 2 conveyors (transport and return) + 2 lift units in a single conveyor.

Modular structure

The UMSL design is based on the high-quality standard components of the MiniTec modular system.  
The pallet circulation system is therefore compatible with all the components of our modular system. Additions such as test stations, assembly or unloading stations can be integrated seamlessly. 

We and our experienced will be pleased to help your to plan and implement your conveyor systems, as well as their adaptation to your special tasks. 

Application examples

System UMS   (1 MB)
System UMS Light   (1 MB)
Pallet circulation system UMS light   (4 MB)